Thursday, November 19, 2015

I tell people that if they want to get an idea of the state of “Christianity” today, all one has to do is turn on Christian television - Justin Peters

I tell people that if they want to get an idea of the state of “Christianity” today, all one has to do is turn on Christian television. All Christian television is is a function of the basic law of Supply and Demand. Whatever the demand is, that is what Christian television will supply. So, when we turn on Christian television what do we see? Solid expositors who study to show themselves approved rightly dividing the Word of Truth? Hardly. We see an endless parade of prosperity preachers who do nothing but tickle people’s itching ears. We hear a cacophony of prosperity preaching emanating from charlatans who exploit the poor, the sick, the desperate, and the widows for personal financial gain. And the most egregious error and what should be of gravest concern to us is that the Gospel is distorted and God’s Name is blasphemed.

by Justin Peters

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