Wednesday, November 25, 2015

We do not give birth to ourselves, we are not reborn because we believe. We believe because we are reborn." - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"The cardinal error into which many tend to fall is to think of ourselves as Christians in terms of our believing and our holding on, instead of looking at ourselves in the way in which Scripture always presents the position to us... There has been so much emphasis upon decision, receiving, yielding, being willing, and giving ourselves that salvation is regarded almost exclusively in terms of our activity... Many are in trouble simply because they do not realize the truth concerning the new birth... Nothing is more glorious than the doctrine of the rebirth; and this is obviously the work of God in us through the Spirit. We do not give birth to ourselves, we are not reborn because we believe. We believe because we are reborn.

- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Romans - The Perseverance Of The Saints

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