All are sinners. All fall short of the glory of God, we know that. Man is evil, not only in his behavior; he’s evil in his thinking, he’s evil in his intention. Every part of him is infected with evil. He is evil to the core. He is desperately wicked – to borrow the language of Jeremiah. He is characterized by sin, iniquity, and transgression; and nothing he does pleases God. This is the biblical definition of the human condition.
Now that evil is obviously rampant in every human heart; and collectively, it encircles the globe. It infects everything that man does, everything he touches. So what we have on the planet is massive evil. It is compounded by the presence of Satan and demons who orchestrate a system of evil and a system of spiritual wickedness that corrupts the environment, that corrupts the thinking of man. And so you have the Satanic kingdom doing its work and you have sinners moving within the framework of that Satanic kingdom who are infested with evil down to the very core. That leads inevitably to disaster.
-John MacArthur
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