Saturday, March 26, 2016

Should all believers speak in tongues? Justin Peters

Also, it is false that all believers should speak in tongues.  Some churches teach that if you are saved, your salvation will be evidenced by you speaking in tongues. And if you don’t speak in tongues, well then you must not be saved.  But that is patently unbiblical. The Apostle Paul asks a series of rhetorical questions.  He says, “All are not workers of miracles, are they?  All do not teach, do they?  All do not speak in tongues, do they?  And clearly the implied answer to these rhetorical questions is no…no they don’t.

- Justin Peters
Spiritual Shipwreck of the Word-Faith Movement


  1. I enjoy listening to these videos and there are more false preachers then righteous "honest ones!" . My thoughts on tongues is similar to receiving the holy ghost: many believers do not seek to be filled daily as we should: so there are many who never speak in tongues: The tongues I speak of is the one we receive when we need the spirit to pray without our understanding and we pray alone: Its not the tongue used in the church but rather your closet: i do love how youre honest and never hold back naming the false preachers as well! God bless Justin

  2. So why would the Spirit have you speaking in these languages in your prayer closet? How would speaking in these languages edify me?? How would this be one's spirit speaking in mysteries??? Sadly, there is a counterfeit but that only means there is a genuine. Your teaching can not be applied to all the scriptures referring to speaking in tongues. I agree what Sid Roth did was not biblical but are you so certain of what you are saying? Have you considered you may be speaking against the Spirit. Many are blessed by your teachings about these false and deceptive ones but in regards to speaking in tongues I believe you are teaching in error.

    1. He that speaks un an UNKNOWN tongue does NOT speak to MAN but to God for No MAN understands him.
      But he speaks mysteries in the Spirit and edifies himself.

      Thats what paul says as he is explaining the context of speaking in tongues in a congregated setting.
      So private prayer type tongues is not for others.. But by the spirit of God he enables the believer to speak spirit to spirit by passing the carnal mind.
      In a meeting its about edifying OTHERS ...but alone itits about being built up in the most Holy Faith.

  3. I love listening to Justin so much, but I mus TV disagree with what You said about the Churches and tongues speaking In tongues. At my church, There is a person who sticks a message to us in tongues and there is also an interpreter of Tongues, It is always a biblical message from our savior,u said there were no churches at all that did this now. PLEASE feel free to come visit our church anytime and see for yourself.
    The Fathers house 4061 Wadsworth rd Norton oh Pastor Mike Guaranerri officiating also we r live on Facebook Sunday morning 10am to noon. Justin please check us out I would love to have u.....Amy Boden

  4. Believers will cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and they will recover, poison will not harm them, and THEY WILL SPEAK IN NEW TONGUES. There is The Baptism of The Spirit /The Kingdom of Heaven/GOD (speaking in a new /previously unlearned language) our prayer and worship (love langauge / perfectly aligned with GODS' WILL) and there is The Gift of Tongues that is the ability to speak in many languages supernaturally. Repent, proclaim THE TRUTH (Jesus death, burial, resurrection), and then ask for THE PROMISE /The HOLY SPIRIT/ The LORDs' RIGHTEOUSNESS and thank HIM and believe HE keeps His Promises, then begin speaking or singing "a new language" and The HOLY SPIRIT will help you to sound fluent almost immediately. Warning: If somebody is involved in an occult or new age practices they have to denounce them because that is devil / demon worship than God will hear their prayer and they will be welcomed in The Kingdom of HEAVEN by the Grace of The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  5. Joseph Prince Ministry is a good Grace filled Ministry.

  6. I had an experience 32 yrs ago no one will ever convince me did not happen. Word of Faith called it baptism in the Holt Spirit. No matter who calls it what, it happened. I read about what Paul says about tongues. It happened to me and I have heard my mother alone in her room praying in her prayer language. I am sure many teachers of many movements preach both scriptural or true and also not scriptural or untrue things, but are doing as they believe is true at the time. Maybe some know and do evil with intention. I suppose all we can do is read and pray and seek for ourselves and trust God to be judge.
