Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Genuine Evidence of the Holy Spirit’s Influence

The genuine evidence of the Holy Spirit’s influence in a person’s life is not material prosperity, mindless emotionalism, or supposed miracles. Rather, it is sanctification: the believer’s growth in spiritual maturity, practical holiness, and Christ likeness through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit (as He applies biblical truth to the hearts of His saints). A true work of the Spirit convicts the heart of sin, combats worldly lusts, and cultivates spiritual fruit in the lives of God’s people.

- John MacArthur
Strange Fire p. 56

1 comment:

  1. If only all Christians would read MacArthur's book Strange Fire then perhaps all would worship the Holy Spirit in truth. I went to a Foursquare church for over 8 years and in looking back I can honestly say that they never worshiped the true Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit that they worshiped was an unbiblical and man-centered imitation of the true Holy Spirit.
