Friday, April 8, 2016

Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity are to be Defended

Well, the answer to this is that in fact there is a biblical precedent for calling out false teachers by name.  The Apostle Paul did this himself on several occasions.  He did it quite publicly.  And so there is a biblical precedent for calling out false teachers by name. 

 Jesus Himself called Herod that fox, so there is a biblical precedent for calling out false teachers by name.  It should not be done lightly.  Okay?  And we don’t call somebody out as a false teacher if they differ with us on some relatively minor theological point.  You know, maybe we’re premillennial, pretrib in our eschatology and we know somebody over here that’s pretty millennial, mid-triable, heretic.   No…no. But when it comes to the fundamental doctrines of historical Christianity, the preexistence of Jesus Christ, the virgin birth, the sinless life, the atonement on the cross, bodily resurrection of our Lord, salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, on these issues we do draw a deep line in the sand and we must warn people about wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Is not an option, it is a duty.

And dear ones, it’s not…it’s not an option to exercise discernment as a Christian, that’s not an option, it’s a mandate.  It is a duty. And some people say, “Well, that’s just not my gift.  You know, I just don’t have the gift of discernment.”  That’s a cop out…that’s a cop out. What did Paul say, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Test all things…test all things.” And that’s not written there just to take up the white spaces, it’s incumbent on us to exercise discernment.  It’s not an option and say, “Well discernment, that’s just not my gift, I’ll leave that for somebody else.” That’s a cop out. 

- Justin Peters
The Devilish Puppet Master of the Word-Faith Movement

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