Friday, April 8, 2016

The Prosperity Gospel

But the allure of health and wealth is one of the things that makes this Movement so appealing and yet so profoundly dangerous at the same time, because the prosperity gospel essentially says this, “Come to Jesus because He’ll make you wealthy, and He’ll heal your body.” They appeal to two of the most basic and universal of all human desires.  Most people want to be wealthy.  And very few people enjoy being sick.  And there’s a few who just like the attention, but most people don’t like to be sick.  And they’ll say, “Well, if you’ll just come to Jesus, then you can have it.”  Well sign me up.  That’s a pretty good deal.  You’re telling me if I come to Jesus, if I ask Jesus into my heart, He’ll make me wealthy?  He’ll heal my body. I don’t have to be sick anymore, I can have my best life now?  Yeah.  Yeah, I’ll try Jesus.

- Justin Peters
The Devilish Puppet Master of the Word-Faith Movement

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